Core Laboratories and Curatorial Services
Whole-round core measurements
- Whole-Round Multisensor Core Logger (WRMSL): P-wave, density (gamma ray attenuation), magnetic susceptibility
- X-ray Linescan Imager (XSCAN)
- Natural Gamma Radiation Logger (NGRL)
- Thermal Conductivity
Split-section and discrete core measurements
- Section Half Imaging Logger (SHIL)
- Section Half Multisensor Logger (SHMSL): color reflectance, point magnetic susceptibility
- X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Core Scanner (2)
- Hyperspectral Logger (HyperScan)
- Superconducting Rock Magnetometer (SRM)
- Paleomagnetic discrete measurements (JR-6A & Kappabridge)
- Moisture and Density (MAD)
- P-wave velocity bayonet and gantry (PWB/PWC)
- Shear strength, automated vane shear (AVS), Torvane, and Pocket Penetrometer
- Thermal Conductivity
- Handheld XRF analyzer
- GEODESC (descriptive data capture)
- Core Splitting
Laboratory user fees are available for individual instruments or the whole laboratory. For additional information, contact the GCR Curator.
Current instrument procedures and manuals reflect the JOIDES Resolution environment and are in the process of being modified to reflect the GCR shore-based laboratories.